Research projects
_Translation project of Academic books
A study on the movements of moral persuasion in late Ming and early Qing China by Professor Wu Zhen (Fudan University, Shanghai).
Project director: Ren Le (Sichuan University).
Main translator: Ana Carolina Hosne (CONICET-LICH/UNSAM)
National Science Fund of China.
_Research projects
“Viajes, migraciones y exilios. Una cartografía sobre conexiones y circulaciones transnacionales en América Latina (segunda mitad del siglo XX)” [Travels, migrations and exiles. A cartography of transnational connections and circulation in Latin America]
Principal Investigator: Dr. Adriana Petra.
Among its many lines of research, this project touches on the circulation, interpretations and political and cultural usages of the Chinese revolutionary culture in Argentina, as well as the ways in which Chinese cultural diplomacy evolved in Latin America.
School of Humanities, UNSAM.
_Research projects
“Ideologías lingüísticas en torno a usos novedosos del lenguaje: de los discursos institucionales a los discursos cotidianos en las redes y en las aulas” [Linguistic ideologies on novel usages of language: from institutional to everyday life discourses on social networks and the classroom].
Principal Investigator: Florencia Rizzo.
Among its lines of research, this project analyzes the linguistic ideologies of Chinese migrants in Argentina, as well as its interweaving with the Argentinian State’s linguistic and educational policies.
School of Humanities, UNSAM.